Giving Back
Maasai Girls Rescue Center
Posted on October 31, 2023
Saying goodbye to water shortages with new clean water systems.
Having access to water is something we all take for granted. You turn on the tap and you expect water to come out: cold water, hot water, clean water.
The girls at MGRC are now getting a taste of that pure clean water! Thanks to the generosity of the Larson Financial Foundation out of St Louis MO, MGRC now has its own secure clean water system.
Tanzania has had four dry rainy seasons since late 2020, causing the worst drought in 40 years. Consequently, our government water supply was very intermittent and unreliable. Operating a farm without water is virtually impossible. Feeding and caring for the girls without water is equally impossible. And while the government supplied water, it was unreliable and frequently the water and electricity were shut off for days at a time. We were forced to have water trucked in at an overwhelming expense of up to $100 per day. The grant from the Larson Financial Foundation was a true Godsend!